Sunday, November 11, 2012

Introduction to Sherri, a Fellow Searcher

Hello dear reader of Honest Search for Truth! I figure that I should introduce myself formally (or, as "formally" as I can on a more or less informal discussion and inquiry blog), as I am working with Josh as a fellow Truth Seeker. My name is Sherri, and I am a colleague -- of sorts -- of Josh's. We met almost a decade ago, and have recently been individually driven to seek out the best possible (most rational and loving -- which I would argue are one and the same) way to live life. My goal in life, as I feel Josh's is as well, is to help as many people as possible. Additionally, I think it is imperative to, as Socrates said, "live the examined life." While I can in no way claim to be as thorough and fervent of a truth seeker as Josh is, I am extremely passionate about discussion of important topics, such as morality and the nature of existence, and I see it vital to engage in honest, unbiased inquiry into topics such as these, and to then spread reason throughout the world. I see increasing Well Being, for humanity, all other species, and the planet that sustains us all, as the single most important goal of my own life, and I am dedicated to sharing that view with as many people as possible, in hopes to convince them that this is indeed the case.

My posts, though I am also deeply interested in uncovering truths and learning all that I can about the universe and its purpose, will most often take the form of rational explanations of current societal problems, and will hopefully offer rational solutions to those problems.

At present, I am agnostic in regards to a Conscious Agent (ie, God). But I see Morality, and all that it implies, as the single most important discussion piece in the world today, because how people conceptualize morality determines how they act -- meaning, essentially, that the differing views on morality are arguably the cause for all of the current societal problems.

In order to learn more about morality, Josh graciously gave me a book by philosopher and neuroscience expert Sam Harris, entitled, "The Moral Landscape." Though I have listened to Dr. Harris speak in a handful of internet videos, I wanted to get a very good grasp of his position, both to understand one expert's view and to further develop my own.

A good place for me to start contributing to Honest Search for Truth would be for me to share my findings as I read with an audience. That way, I will be able to learn the art of skillful summary (and will thereby develop my grasp of the material), and readers will be able to (hopefully!) garner the main points within the book in a more concise manner. In these posts, I will be aiming to solely report summaries of chapters. I am, in these posts anyway, going to stray away from including my own personal thoughts/rational reflections on the matter, and if I do include these, I will be absolutely sure to make sure to distinguish between summarizing Harris and personal commentary.

In my next post (which I will write momentarily), I will summarize the Introduction portion of "The Moral Landscape," which lays the foundation for the remainder of the book.


--A Fellow Truth Seeker and Lover of the Light

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