Saturday, May 10, 2014

Blog Recommendation: The Amateur Philosopher

Hi all!

If you are interested in some excellent philosophy on the subjects of political theory, ethics, and religion, then jump over to

The author is a good friend of mine, and has traveled far on his own search for truth. He grew up religious, fell away from his faith, and became a stalwart Atheist. After a season within an Atheistic worldview, he continued to reach deeper into philosophy and continued searching; not content to stagnate. Unexpectedly, as he learned more, he found that the arguments for Catholicism were strong enough to reverse his ideology once again.

What matters to me is not his current religious stance. I am impressed that his ideology is evolving, he has an extreme drive to learn more, and that he has a desire to share his journey with others.

Because of his intellectual honesty, his willingness to follow the evidence wherever it leads, his impressive intellect, and the quality of every blog post he has written thus far, I highly recommend his blog!!!

1 comment:

  1. Josh,

    Thanks a ton for the kind words. I'm a little at a loss as what to say... Thank you.
